Earlier this month, an RFP was released by the City of Norfolk requesting proposals from qualified firms to lease land at the Campostella Landfill for redevelopment.  

The Campostella Landfill is on Norfolk’s south side and was opened in the 1940s for the disposal of mostly construction and demolition debris and closed in the 1990s.  The development of a solar installation is preferred, however the City is open to other ideas. Proposed solutions must be cost-positive and require no investment from the City.

The City has the following prioritized goals for the project:

1. Advance the community’s environmental sustainability and leadership goals

2. Optimize land use for municipal property such as landfills or brownfields.

3. Reduce energy bill costs for residents through a possible community solar project.

4. Increase revenue for the City through a land lease.

For more information, and to respond to the RFP, follow this link .


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