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Each member of the Norfolk Works team has now passed their exam as part of the process of becoming Certified Workforce Development Professionals (CWDP) as recognized by the National Association for Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP).

This stop on the path to CWDP will enable the Norfolk Works team to become more effective in the services offered to Norfolk residents and businesses.

“Workforce development is economic development. With site selectors and expanding businesses consistently highlighting the availability of a skilled workforce as one of their top reasons for relocating and investment, our work in this space remains both important and relevant,” said Michael Paris, Senior Business Develop Manager.  Paris heads up the Department’s Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) efforts and the Norfolk Works portfolio.

Norfolk Works was launched in December 2016. It is designed to align economic and workforce development efforts, champion the recruitment of diverse Norfolk talent to support business attraction, retention, and expansion, and collaborate with our workforce partners to help Norfolk citizens prepare for and connect to in-demand employment opportunities


For more information on Norfolk Works, email or call 757-763-6064

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